Over ADMC - PromotieOnderzoek

Executive summary:

A sustainable value exchange between a network airline and its passengers is required for its organisational viability. The execution of a flight, where the passengers get their travel, seat comfort and inflight service, is the event where passengers receive value for their ticket purchase. This value delivery is performed by many people via interdependent and coordinated activities.

In this thesis I consider the key performance indicators of safety, passenger experience and efficiency, to be sufficient for a holistic management approach to achieve organisational viability. Disintegration of data that originates from the service delivery, hampers holistic management and leads to suboptimal solutions such as imbalance between risk and business opportunity.

First I will provide a value production model for a network airline to support a more holistic management where value creation is the decision context. The network airline potential for value creation is achieved by network design and flight schedules to achieve maximum resource utilisation.

As a second project, I will analyse and model the relationship between scheduled flight times and safety events. The hypothesis that flight operational schedule pressure will increase the number of occurrences of safety events will be tested. Feedback from flight executions should be about events in which one or more of the Key Performance Indicators, safety, passengers or efficiency, was under threat. That feedback should support the requisite variety of airline management. Current feedback channels are focussed on a single Key Performance Indicator.

As a third project, I will test a more holistic and authentic flight operational feedback channel provided by the managers of a flight; the pilots. With FlightStory they can provide their story of an operational event and opinion about their working conditions, applied strategy, adequacy of resources and goal conflicts.

The research will deliver three connected models; a network airline value creation management model, that integrates with both a model for the relationship between flight schedules and safety and a model and method for requisite flight operational feedback.

Thesis Model

Voor meer informatie: info@admc.pro of tel.: 06-42274371